ISO 13485 Certification Process And Its Cost?

In the current marketplace many small and medium business owners feel that they cannot afford ISO certification. Unfortunately, this means that they miss out on the many financial benefits of achieving ISO 13485 certification. Kwalitycert aim to provide a cost-effective way for businesses improvement to get ISO certified. This is achieved by streamlining the overall process, allowing you to apply for and obtain your certification on-time, without any hassle. This means that you’ll start saving money from the very beginning of the process, which will continue as your business adopts the practices needed to maximize your resources.

The total cost of ISO 13485 certification in Kenya depends on various factors specific to each organization and involves the following factors:

  • Your industry sector
  • How many offices you have
  • Your annual turnover
  • How many employees you have
  • Single Site or multiple site
  • Intent/1st surveillance/2nd Surveillance
  • Recertification

Kenya is receiving more investments from Europe and America thus the requirement of the compliance is very high. New Certifications that Integrate with various standards like FSSC 22000 Certification, BRC Certification are in demand this can be achieved by having the most basic certification that is skeleton for all food safety certification – ISO 22000 Certification in Kenya. ISO Certification in Kenya can also benefit with ISO 22000 as HACCP Certification in Kenya is also included in Implementation.

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