How To Get Ce Certificate In Nigeria?

CE markingΒ allows company to legally market and distribute their product within the European Market, and declares that product complies with all applicable European Directives and Regulations.

CE marking conformity assessments services from Qualitcert helps achieve compliance, helps to determine which EU directive &standards apply to products, safe deriving of products under EU, helps in achieving CE MARK certification to your products.

Our service includes

β€’ Detailed explanation of CE-marking process

β€’ Conformity assessment

β€’ Verification of product design, specification

β€’ Production supervision and sample testing

β€’ Technical file preparation

β€’ Helps in issuing CE mark Certificate

Benefits of CE Mark Certification:

However, getting the products CE certified tends to be beneficial from the customer as well as manufacturer perspective.

  • The manufacturers gain the freedom of making their products completely available in the European economic market.
  • Customers are guaranteed about the product conformation as per the regulations set with respect to the particular directive.
  • Manufacturers can proudly say that their products are safe and healthy to be used.
  • By strictly possessing the CE Mark on the product will critically decrease the negative claims as well as liability premiums.

Qualitcert ServicesΒ is one of the largest and leadingΒ CE consultants in NigeriaΒ . We are transnational ISO certification consultants with clients in India, USA, UK, India, Kuwait, Middle East, Europe, Africa, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Russia etc.. We provide quick, result oriented and easy to implement consultation and training for CE certificate.

ISO 9001 certification in Iraq

Main Benefits Of ISO 9001 CERTIFICATION ?

In the current marketplace many small and medium business owners feel that they cannot afford ISO certification, but fact is any industry irrespective of size and manpower (a company with single owner & one employee) are eligible to getΒ ISO 9001 certification in Saudi ArabiaΒ and globally. As ISO 9001 indicates quality, its required everywhere.

There are 10 Major Reasons where do us Need ISO 9001 Certification:-

β€’ Meet Customer Requirements

β€’ Get More Revenue and Business from New Customers

β€’ Improve Company and Product Quality

β€’ Increase Customer Satisfaction with your Products

β€’ Describe, Understand, and Communicate Your Company Processes

β€’ Develop a Professional Culture and Better Employee Morale

β€’ Improve the Consistency of Your Operations

β€’ Focus Management and Employees

β€’ Improve Efficiency, Reduce Waste, and Save Money

β€’ Achieve International Quality Recognition

Qualitcert services is one of the best ISO certification consulting company in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Nigeria, and Kenya. We offer Services like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, ISO 13485, HACCP, and CE Mark certification. For more details please feel free to reach us.

ISO 45001 certification

How To Get ISO 45001 Certification In Iran?

ISO 45001 is the first international standard proposing a framework for the management of Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S). ISO 45001 aims to help organizations to keep safeguarding their employees (health & safety) from accident, serious injuries and near miss.

ISO 45001 Implemented based on following principles

1: Continual improvement using the PDCA model

2: Process-based approach to increase the expected result

3: Management by risks (and opportunities) to help control activities and reduce the impacts and undesired effects.


β€’ To know how to identify your risks

β€’ To reduce accident rates and the related costs

β€’ To boost awareness among all personnel

β€’ To adopt a simplified approach

β€’ To Improve Company brand image and safeguard employees

Qualitcert services is the best ISO certification consulting company in Iran, Iraq, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Nigeria. ISO 45001 certification in IranΒ is easy now with Qualitcert representatives those whose are helping globally. Are you looking take ISO certification services with less effort reach Qualitcert experts.

22000 1

How To Get ISO 22000 Certification In Iran?

ISO 22000 is a Food Safety Management SystemΒ that can be applied to any organization in the food chain, farm to fork. Becoming certified to ISO 22000 allows a company to show their customers that they have a food safety management system in place. This provides customer confidence in the product/services of food line. This becomes more important as customers demand safe food and food processors require that ingredients obtained from their suppliers to be safe.

The ISO 22000 standard can be used by all the direct and indirect food chain stakeholders, regardless of their size or their location in the world. This includes not only animal feed and agricultural producers (livestock and/or crop production), but also manufacturers and processors, service providers, transport operators and subcontractors, warehousing and distribution, retail stores and food services, as well as organizations closely related to the sector, such as manufacturers of equipment, packaging, cleaning products, additives and ingredients.

For effective output of the food safety management system, ISO 22000 can be blend with HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & other system management standards.

What are the key steps for implementing ISO 22000?

β€’ Defining the background and directions

β€’ Planning the management system: answering the who, what, where, when and how questions

β€’ Building a solid base through good hygiene practices

β€’ Conducting an HACCP study

β€’ Implementing the management system

β€’ Anticipating and managing crisis situations

β€’ Checking the effectiveness of the management system

β€’ Continuously improving the management system.

Qualitcert is a global ISO certification provider in Iran with their representatives worldwide. We are specialized in FSMS certification,Β ISO 22000 certification in IranΒ is very affordable, faster, and easier. We also provide ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, HACCP, CE certifications. Are you looking for any of these services please feel free to reach us.

How to get HACCP

How To Get HACCP Certification In Iran?

Qualitcert services – we are HACCP Consultant in Iran, for providing HACCP Certification in Iran,Β and other major cities with the services of training, Audit, Documentation, Templates, Certify, Gap Analysis, Implementation, Registration, Consulting services at affordable cost to all organizations to get certified under Food and Safety Management System in Iran or FSMS Certification in Iran.

HACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control PointΒ is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical and physical hazards in production processes that can cause the finished product to be unsafe.

Top Five principles of HACCP Certification:

  1. Conduct an hazard analysis: This is the first and the foremost principle of HACCP where an analysis has to be made on identifying hazards of any sort such as chemical biological and also physical. The hazard analysis should also involve defining the preventive measures to control the hazards identified. This will be helpful at the time of HACCP audit in Erbil. And these preventive measures are applied at certain point called critical control point in order to prevent the hazards or completely eliminated.
  2. Identify critical control point: a critical control point is a point Austin or even defined as a procedure in a food manufacturing process at which control can be applied in order to prevent, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level, the food safety hazards such as physical, chemical and biological. HACCP services in Baghdad will be helpful to complete this process. This step of principal needs and assistance of Technical consultant.
  3. Established critical limits for each critical control point: optical limit is basically nothing but a maximum or minimum value to which a physical biological and chemical hazards that can be controlled at a critical control point to prevent, eliminate or reduce any sort of hazards to an acceptable level. HACCP consultants in Basra will be an helping hand.
  4. Establish monitoring procedures: Monitoring is a good tool to ensure that the critical limits are met at critical control point. HACCP certification process in Iran will be successful only after monitoring the practice. It is all about how you will measure the effectiveness. It is very important to measure the critical limits at critical points to ensure the effectiveness of HACCP system. HACCP certification in Iran will increase the effectiveness. Any deviation from HACCP plan can be addressed immediately without any delay so that avoiding or preventing any end point errors.
  5. Establish corrective actions: If a HACCP plan is ready and all set for implementation of HACCP system, it is not that everything will be going in accordance with the plan. HACCP certification bodies in Iran will help your organization certified. Many errors including both manual and technical is a possible outcome of the implemented system. This is the practical case where it is impossible to completely eliminate the error. But the errors can be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level of establishment of proper corrective actions. HACCP certification in Iran is a necessary tool to gain potential in the market.

HACCP in Iran is a basic requirement. Before starting the implementation of HACCP system a prerequisite programs needs to be in place and also education and training has to be provided to all the process it’s and employees of an organization to ensure that they are really well aware of the importance and significance of HACCP. The most important factor of consideration is HACCP certification in Iran. And again everything is going to end with the good result if and only if a complete plan drafted. Similarly HACCP plan plays a major role in successful implementation of the system.

Kindly contact usΒ [email protected]Β to get your customized ISO certification programme developed for your organization.

ISO 27001 certification consultant in Iraq

How To Get ISO 27001 Certification In OMAN?

An organization system is successfully safeguarded only when the system is 100% secured. This can achieved throughΒ ISO/IEC 27001 standardΒ also called Information security management system. ISO 27001 addresses all aspects in an organization that deals with creating and maintaining a secure information environment. It covers policies, standards, guidelines, codes-of practice, technology, human, legal and ethics issues all from part of an ISMS Programme. The implementation of an information security management system in a technology related organization is confirmed by a certificate of compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard. The certification requires completing a certification audit conducted by a body certifying management system.

ISO 27001 – Information security management implementation takes place based on following criteria:-

Certified products, Code of practice, Controls, Evaluation criteria, Guideline, Information Security Management System process evaluation, Product evaluation, Protection classes, Self-assessment, Standards

Key principles followed during the implementation of Information security management system:-

1 – Explore the legislation and other requirements: – comply with country legal and regulatory requirement.

2 – Define the benefits & get support from top management: – Clear explanation of implementation of Information security management system to get the support from top management.

3 – Setting the cybersecurity objectives:- Define measurable objectives to reach the goals.

4 – Choose the framework for cybersecurity implementation: – Using the right tool to secure the business critical information such as ISO 27001, COBIT, PCI DSS, NIST SP 800

5 – Risk Assessment & mitigation:-Β  Conducting and monitoring the Risk on regular basis.

6 – Organizing the implementation & Implementation of safeguards:- A single person cannot be able to implement the standard hence support should come from lower level also a contribution from each individual.

7 – Training & awareness:-ISMS training to new joiners and existing employees.

Qualitcert experts helps you to get certified with ISO 27001 certification in Oman, Muscat, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Globally. To know the details about information Security certification our masters are happy to assist you with a single query.


How To Get CE Certificate In Oman?

TheΒ CE markingΒ or European compliance which is mandatory on all products covered by the directives and must be affixed to the product before it is presented to consumers, except as required by a particular directive. CE marking is symbol/ mark of conformity that allows the free flow of products between countries within the European Economic Area.

The most common directives applied to electronic devices are:

  • 2014 / 35 / EU Electromagnetic compatibility directive (EMC).
  • Low voltage directive (LVD) No. 2014 / 35 / EU.
  • 2014 / 53 / EU Radio equipment directive.
  • 2006 / 42 / EC Directive on the restriction of the use of certain dangerous substances (RoHS).
  • 2012 / 19 / EU waste directive for electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Six steps for CE marking electrical and electronic goods

  • Product classification
  • Economic operator classification
  • Conformity procedure- Perform product testing and/or safety assessment.
  • Technical Files
  • EU Declaration of Conformity
  • CE marking – affixing the CE marking in accordance with the Low Voltage Directive.

CE standard is important for some of the categories mentioned in above classification. CE compliance audit is easy with our certified experts.Β CE certification in Oman, Muscat is easy and hassle free in a cost effective way.

37001 1

Why ISO 37001 Certification Needed For An Organization?

For any organization to go to the next level two things are most important they are Trust & Transparency, but in current situation most of OUR business runs on bribery since many entrepreneurs and business heads raised serious issue,Β  ISO came out with a solution to completely take out the root of β€œBribe” by implementing standard ISO 37001.


Since it’s an international standard that helps an organization to organize the process in a beautiful way by making a biased process & also it prevent, detect and address bribery by adopting an anti-bribery policy.Β Β ISO 37001 implementationΒ starts with a representor who is responsible for oversee anti-bribery compliance, training, risk assessments and due diligence on projects and business associates, implementing financial and commercial controls, and instituting reporting and investigation procedures.

Who can go for ISO 37001?

ISO 37001 certificationΒ can be used by any organization, large or small, whether it be in the public, private or voluntary sector, and in any country. It is a flexible tool, which can be adapted according to the size and nature of the organization and the bribery risk it faces.

Qualitcert helps you in achieving ISO 37001 certification with the complete procedure by our expertise consultants. We do offer services globally Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon, Singapore, Iraq, Iran, Taiwan, Kuwait, Dubai and India.

ISO 9001 certification consultant in Kenya 2

How To Get ISO Certification In Chile?

We at Qualitcert Certifications are well prepared to give different sorts of International Certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 37001 and various other standards.

Private and foreign investments attraction in the country’s industries has been constantly growing because of the strong emerging economic growth Peru has seen over the decade and more. Major industries in Chile are Mining, Fishing, Tourism and Manufacturing Industry, hence ISO Certification in Chile.

We focus on practices which could increase your bottom-line than just sticking to standard guidelines. All our customers have reported increase in sales, brand recognition, employee retention and as a result increased profits due to our certification services.

By getting ISO Certified there is the potential for increased business in both current and new markets. In addition, there is an overall improvement in the service/product quality being offered to the client. Having a certification in place will provide a distinct advantage over other competitors and helps your ability in client acquisitions.

Thinking about how to getΒ ISO certification in Chile, then you need not worry. Qualitcert is a global organization specializing in ISO 9001,ISO 14001,Β ISO 45001,Β ISO 27001,Β ISO 22301,Β ISO 22000,Β ISO 20000,Β HACCP,Β CE MARK,Β CMMIΒ Consulting and Certification. We have our geographical presence across the globe and inΒ Β SOUTH AMERICA.Β Β We offer our services in major cities likesΒ Lima, Cusco, Arequipa, Iquitos, Trujillo, etc..

ISO 9001 Jordan

How To Get ISO Certification In Brazil?

Qualitcert services is a professional certification and consulting firm offering different ISO Certification services in all major cities in Brazil. We provide 100% success guarantee for ISO Certification in Poland. We are an Approved Service Provider with extensive expertise and experience in all International Quality Certification Standards. We would be happy to assist your company in the ISO Certification process.

Thousands of small and medium companies get certified every year for different international quality standards to build their brand visibility and show to their customers that quality service is of paramount importance to them. All organizations, including manufacturing, trading, hospitality, food, education, IT, healthcare, business services, and Government departments can benefit from certifying their businesses with ISO Certification in Brazil.

Following are the top benefits of getting ISO Certified.

  1. To increase the Brand value of the organization.
  2. To become eligible to apply for various Tenders.
  3. To take the services/products to international markets.
  4. To increase organizational efficiency and employee confidence.
  5. To become more competitive in the market.

Apply process forΒ ISO Certification in BrazilΒ is authentic and clear in Brazil. So, it’s tremendous for an affiliation or a start-up to get ISO Certification guaranteed and we use our time and exertion to do your system of Certification and made the less unpredictable procedure of ensuring our clients with ISO Certification on the web. The online strategy can be a clear and obliging route for our clients as you get the ISO Certification online for your affiliation.