How to get HACCP

HACCP Certification In Peru

HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is the systematic preventative approach to food safety. It addresses physical, chemical, and biological hazards as a means of prevention rather than finished product inspection. This approach has significant benefits to organizations operating within the food supply chain as it enables them to determine key controls over processes and concentrate resources on activities that are critical to ensuring safe food. Retailers, the food industry and Government in particular are concerned about ensuring that food is produced safely and that the consumer has confidence in the product. This has led to an increase in legislation over time that has focused upon ensuring safe systems of food production. In the UK the 1995 Food Safety Amendment Regulations, for the first time required manufacturers and providers to adopt HACCP to ensure food safety.

Implementation of internationally recognized standard.
Better trust with customers.
Reduced costs in long run.
Food safety standards increase.
Informed staffs in the organization.
Enhanced inventory control.
Consistency in the product quality.

Qualitcert is a leading certification registrar of Peru. With it’s wide network of offices & large pool of auditors & technical experts Most of big business houses rely on us for HACCP certification in Peru. Qualitcert is the first choice of customers for accredited ISO certificate in Peru.