ISO 9001 Jordan

What Is An ISO 9001 Audit And Its Procedure

Β ISO 9001 mainly focus on quality in management system, the ISO 9001 audit is an essential part of becoming and staying ISO 9001 certified. It will help you:

  • Ensure your Quality Management System complies with the ISO 9001 standard
  • Identify and address any issues with your Quality Management System
  • Identify potential improvements to your system
  • Ensure your organization takes appropriate action to meet its quality objectives.

There are three types of audit they are:

1stΒ party audit : – Internal Audit

2ndΒ party Audit:- Supplier Audit, Contractors Audit etc..

3rdΒ party Audit :- Certification Audit, Financial Audit etc..

ISO 9001 Certification awarded once company underwent a complete audit process, it happens only in 3rdΒ party audit. It has two stages

Document Review: First, auditors check whether procedural documentation meets ISO 9001 requirements.

Process Review: The main part of the audit process consists of checking actual business activities against documentation and looking for discrepancies.

The three ways audits can be conducted are:

On-site audits are performed in full days. The number of days needed for an audit depends on several factors including size, complexity, risk, and nature of an organization. The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) has provided guidelines for registrars to calculate audit time.

Remote auditsΒ may be performed via web meetings, teleconferencing or electronic verification of processes. Remote audits are less common and typically not as effective as on-site audits.

Self-auditsΒ do not always mean an internal audit.

  • Steps involved in audit process
  • Appoint the Right Auditors
  • Use Forms and Checklists: Audit Checklist, Audit Report Form, Attendance Roster
  • Standardize the Audit Assessment
  • Hold a Closing Meeting with Auditees
  • Get Feedback from Auditees

Qualitcert helps you in auditing process for both internal audit and external audit. ISO 9001 auditing in Saudi Arabia is easy with Qualitcert. For any queries to get ISO certified contact us

ISO 45001 certification

Why Do We Go For Iso Consultation?

Consultant & consultationΒ both plays a vital role in achieving an ISO certification also, consultants helps providing solutions for problems.Β  The present market is competitive and demanding for quality products and services that deliver exceptional customer experience. Getting globally recognized as a β€œquality first” brand can be the key to achieving a competitive edge in today’s growing global marketplace. If you are considering certification, choosing the right ISO Consultant is a critical decision that will determine how efficiently and seamlessly your certification process will take place. The right consultant can also change how fast you achieve certification.

Hence companies going forΒ ISO certification in KenyaΒ should not forget to hire a consultant or outsource the project for consultation to understand the effectiveness of the system.


We’re a leading Certification, Assessment and Training company, We are one of the leading Certification, Assessment and Training services company. We partner with our clients to help them systematically optimize and transform businesses .Our strategic innovation and key business growth strategies help businesses progress constantly.

Every organization must combine ISO requirements, technology and human skills, to Excel. Our diverse, global experience brings in solid industry expertise and helps anticipate the clients’ changing business needs through a winning- edge services. We use a unique delivery model across all industry verticals to deliver the results that help our clients surge ahead of competitors.

Getting your business certified with ISO standards will not only attract and maximize business in the market, but also empowers human resource and creates compelling processes. For any standards ofΒ ISO certification in Nigeria, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE. Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and India reach Qualitcert experts.


ISO 13485 Certification Process And Its Cost?

In the current marketplace many small and medium business owners feel that they cannot afford ISO certification. Unfortunately, this means that they miss out on the many financial benefits of achieving ISO 13485 certification. Kwalitycert aim to provide a cost-effective way for businesses improvement to get ISO certified. This is achieved by streamlining the overall process, allowing you to apply for and obtain your certification on-time, without any hassle. This means that you’ll start saving money from the very beginning of the process, which will continue as your business adopts the practices needed to maximize your resources.

The total cost ofΒ ISO 13485 certification in Kenya depends on various factors specific to each organization and involves the following factors:

  • Your industry sector
  • How many offices you have
  • Your annual turnover
  • How many employees you have
  • Single Site or multiple site
  • Intent/1stΒ surveillance/2ndΒ Surveillance
  • Recertification

Kenya is receiving more investments from Europe and America thus the requirement of the compliance is very high. New Certifications that Integrate with various standards like FSSC 22000 Certification, BRC Certification are in demand this can be achieved by having the most basic certification that is skeleton for all food safety certification – ISO 22000 Certification in Kenya.Β ISO Certification in KenyaΒ can also benefit with ISO 22000 as HACCP Certification in Kenya is also included in Implementation.

ISO 9001 certification consultant in Kenya 1

ISO 9001 Certification Process And Its Cost?

In the current marketplace many small and medium business owners feel that they cannot afford ISO certification. Unfortunately, this means that they miss out on the many financial benefits of achievingΒ ISO 9001 certification in Kenya. Qualitcert aim to provide a cost-effective way for businesses improvement to get ISO certified. This is achieved by streamlining the overall process, allowing you to apply for and obtain your certification on-time, without any hassle. This means that you’ll start saving money from the very beginning of the process, which will continue as your business adopts the practices needed to maximize your resources.

The total cost of ISO 9001 certification depends on various factors specific to each organization and involves the following factors:

  • Your industry sector
  • How many offices you have
  • Your annual turnover
  • How many employees you have
  • Single Site or multiple site
  • Intent/1stΒ surveillance/2ndΒ Surveillance
  • Recertification

We’re a leading Certification, Assessment and Training company We are one of the leading Certification, Assessment and Training services company. We partner with our clients to help them systematically optimize and transform businesses .Our strategic innovation and key business growth strategies help businesses progress constantly.

Every organization must combine ISO requirements, technology and human skills, to Excel. Our diverse, global experience brings in solid industry expertise and helps anticipate the clients’ changing business needs through a winning- edge services. We use a unique delivery model across all industry verticals to deliver the results that help our clients surge ahead of competitors.

Getting your business certified with ISO standards will not only attract and maximize business in the market, but also empowers human resource and creates compelling processes.

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What Is Safety Audit Explain Briefly?

A safety auditΒ is a structured and systematic process where all required information is collected relating to the efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability of a company’s total health and safety management system.

Safety audits are conducted mainly for two purposes :

  • To know whether the company is in compliance with safety legislation. These can be performed by representatives of a regulatory body or by the company itself.
  • To identify risk and weaknesses in their safety programs and processes. These audits are then used as a guide for designing safety plans or to identify corrective actions that should be undertaken.

Other beneficiaries from safety audits are:

  • Promote constant review of systems to ensure that they do not become weakened by habit
  • Facilitate planned improvements to programs, policies, and procedures
  • Help to identify weaknesses in human resources departments
  • Help to demonstrate management’s dedication to employee health and safety

Key elements of workplace audit:

  • Consistent regularity
  • Competent and objective auditors
  • Advanced Preparation
  • Thorough Recordkeeping
  • Perceptive Data Analysis
  • Upgrading to Modern Technology

For more details aboutΒ ISO certification in NigeriaΒ , Documentation, implementation, auditing and recertification feel free to contact us.


CE Certificate And Its Compliance Audit?

CE marking allows company to legally market and distribute their product within the European Market, and declares that product complies with all applicable European Directives and Regulations.

Certification and compliance audit on following directives:

  • Boiler Efficiency Directive – 92/42/EEC
  • Construction Products Regulation (CPR)
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive – EMC 2004/108/EC
  • Gas Appliances Directive – GAD 2009/142/EC
  • Lift Directive – 95/16/EC
  • Low Voltage Directive – LVD 2006/95/EC
  • Marine Directive – 96/98/EC
  • Measuring Instrument Directive – MID 2004/22/EC
  • Medical Devices – MDD/AIMDD/IVDD
  • Non Automatic Weighing Instruments Directive (NAWI)
  • Personal Protective Equipment Directive – 89/686/EEC
  • Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
  • Radio Equipment & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment – RTTE
  • Structural Steel – EN 1090
  • Transportable Pressure Equipment – 1999/36/EC

Steps for CE Marking:

  • Identification of applicable directive(s) and harmonized standards
  • Identification of product-specific requirements
  • Identification of the risk and whether an independent conformity assessment (by a notified body) is necessary
  • Product Testing and check its conformity
  • Preparation of Technical Construction File (technical documentation)
  • Issue the EU Declaration of Conformity and affix the CE marking.

To get compliance audit of CE Mark certification inΒ Saudi Arabia contact Qualitcert experts. For more details you can feel free to reach us.


What Are The Differences Between ISO 17025 And ISO 13485?

ISOΒ 17025Β standsΒ forΒ TESTINGΒ ANDΒ CALIBRATIONΒ LABORATORIES.Β ItΒ alsoΒ helpsΒ facilitateΒ cooperationΒ betweenΒ laboratoriesΒ andΒ otherΒ bodiesΒ byΒ generatingΒ widerΒ acceptanceΒ ofΒ resultsΒ betweenΒ countries.Β TestΒ reportsΒ andΒ certificatesΒ canΒ beΒ acceptedΒ fromΒ oneΒ countryΒ toΒ anotherΒ withoutΒ theΒ needΒ forΒ furtherΒ testing,Β which,Β inΒ turn,Β improvesΒ internationalΒ tradeΒ hence,Β ISOΒ 17025Β accreditationΒ isΒ notΒ equivalentΒ toΒ ISOΒ 13485Β certification.

Β ISOΒ 13485Β standsΒ forΒ MEDICALΒ DEVICESΒ β€”Β QUALITYΒ MANAGEMENTΒ SYSTEMS,Β helpsΒ inΒ complyingΒ withΒ aΒ specificΒ qualityΒ system.Β ISOΒ 17025Β certifiedΒ throughΒ accreditationΒ boardΒ butΒ ISOΒ 13485Β byΒ certificationΒ body.Β ProcessΒ stepsΒ involvedΒ inΒ 17025Β &Β ISOΒ 13485,

ReviewingΒ requests,Β tendersΒ &Β contracts ContextΒ ofΒ theΒ organization
MethodΒ suitability Leadership
Sampling QualityΒ objectives
HandlingΒ items ManagementΒ systemΒ documentation
Records ControlΒ ofΒ managementΒ systemΒ documents
MeasurementΒ uncertainty ControlΒ ofΒ records
ResultΒ validity ActionsΒ toΒ addressΒ risksΒ andΒ opportunities
ResultΒ reporting ImprovementΒ &Β CorrectiveΒ actions
ComplaintsΒ andΒ nonconformingΒ work InternalΒ auditsΒ &Β ManagementΒ reviews
InternalΒ auditsΒ &Β ManagementΒ reviews

Health is wealth so nobody is going to compromise with health and hygienic products. How a customer thinks that your product is safe and hygiene, its purely depends on ISO certification they see that your product or company is certified through ISO or not. For any ISO standard contact Qualitcert experts. To know more about ISO 13485 certification in Nigeria, Kenya, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and India please feel free to contact us.

ISO 9001 certification consultant Nigeria

What Are Reasons To Go Under ISO 9001 Certification?

ISOΒ 9001 comes under the family of ISO 9000 series and it is the only standard in the 9000 series that requires certification. ISO 9001 stands for Quality Management System, when a company is ready to go for certification doesn’t matter how big it is and irrespective of manpowerΒ  company with one employee are eligible to get the ISO 9001 standard certificate.Β Β It doesn’t matter what industry you are in (service, trading, food or manufacturing) – it can be a restaurant, consultancy, manufacturing company, government, schools, etc.

ThereΒ areΒ 10Β MajorΒ ReasonsΒ whereΒ doΒ usΒ NeedΒ ISOΒ 9001Β Certification:-Β 

●MeetΒ CustomerΒ Requirements

●GetΒ MoreΒ RevenueΒ andΒ BusinessΒ fromΒ NewΒ Customers

●ImproveΒ CompanyΒ andΒ ProductΒ Quality

●IncreaseΒ CustomerΒ SatisfactionΒ withΒ yourΒ Products

●Describe,Β Understand,Β andΒ CommunicateΒ YourΒ CompanyΒ Processes

●DevelopΒ aΒ ProfessionalΒ CultureΒ andΒ BetterΒ EmployeeΒ Morale

●ImproveΒ theΒ ConsistencyΒ ofΒ YourΒ Operations

●FocusΒ ManagementΒ andΒ Employees

●ImproveΒ Efficiency,Β ReduceΒ Waste,Β andΒ SaveΒ Money

●AchieveΒ InternationalΒ QualityΒ Recognition

Qualitcert services is one of the global consulting company for ISO certification standards. Various services that we serve ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 13485, HACCP, and CE in different countries are ISO 9001 certification in Nigeria, Kenya, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, South Africa, and India.

Medical Devices

Which Type Of Products Need CE Certification?

CEΒ markingΒ isΒ aΒ certificationΒ markΒ that indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA). In the global market there are more than 20 sectoral product directives requiring CE marking, but it is not limited to, products such as electrical equipment, machines, medical devices, toys, pressure equipment, Personal protective equipment(PPE’s), wireless devices and construction products.

Β Β Β CEΒ markingΒ appliesΒ toΒ theΒ followingΒ productΒ groups:Β 

●ActiveΒ implantableΒ medicalΒ devices

●AppliancesΒ burningΒ gaseousΒ fuels

●CablewayΒ installationsΒ designedΒ toΒ carryΒ persons

●ConstructionΒ products

●Eco-designΒ ofΒ energy-relatedΒ products

●ElectromagneticΒ compatibility

●EquipmentΒ forΒ useΒ inΒ potentiallyΒ explosiveΒ atmospheresΒ (ATEX)

●ExplosivesΒ forΒ civilΒ uses

●Hot-waterΒ boilers

●HouseholdΒ refrigeratorsΒ andΒ freezers

●InΒ vitroΒ diagnosticΒ medicalΒ devices


●LowΒ voltage


●MeasuringΒ instruments

●MedicalΒ devices

●NoiseΒ emissionΒ inΒ theΒ environment

●Non-automaticΒ weighingΒ instruments

●PersonalΒ protectiveΒ equipment

●PressureΒ equipment


●RadioΒ equipmentΒ andΒ telecommunicationsΒ terminalΒ equipment

●RecreationalΒ craft

●RestrictionΒ ofΒ hazardousΒ substancesΒ inΒ electricalΒ andΒ electronicΒ equipment

●SafetyΒ ofΒ toys

●SimpleΒ pressureΒ vessels

CEΒ markingΒ doesΒ notΒ applyΒ toΒ itemsΒ suchΒ as:Β 


●Pharmaceuticals,Β includingΒ cosmetics


For gettingΒ CE certification in NigeriaΒ for your products just reach Qualitcert experts they will help you to acquire CE mark certificate.


TOP 5 Factors To Get ISO CERTIFIED For Health Care Industry?

ISO standard works through its channel of connections to its members to bring together the foremost international expertise and disseminate it globally. By implementing ISO standards, organizations and companies make a proactive commitment to the principles of quality, transparency, accountability and safety. ISO standards make it easier to compare health services, exchange information, aggregate data and safeguard the privacy of an individual’s health. Health care Industry, Regulators & Consumers are benefited by ISO Standard.

Followed Sectors who covers under ISO standard for healthcare industry:

Dentistry of healthcare products
Assistive products
Optics Chinese medicine
Equipment for transfusions
Infusions and injections
organization management
Medical devices Surgery
Implants for surgery

Factors to get ISO certificate:

1: Ensure quality and safety in the treatment of patients.

2: Identify and manage risk to patients, staff and the organization.

3: Determine, manage, monitor and improve complex and interrelated processes.

4: Implement best practice routines and procedures.

5: Comply with relevant international and national legal requirements.

Qualitcert services is one of the few bestΒ ISO certification consulting company in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Kenya, Oman, UAE, Philippines, Kuwait, and Iraq. Country and area doesn’t matter in the universe every one gives more important about their health and go for hygienic products. So make sure to certify your medical devices, Medical labs, Hospitality usages with ISO 13485 certification in Saudi Arabia and ISO 17025 certification in Saudi Arabia. For more details connect with Qualitcert experts.